Monday, March 23, 2009

I feel bad...

Again I have not updated the blog for a while. I feel bad. And now she's mad at me for forgetting our delayed anniversary dinner and it made her felt that I am neglecting her. I'm sorry dear...

This is the year of the Ox. For us, it is said to be a very bad year. We've been visiting temples and praying a lot, hoping for the best, hoping to get by this year unscathed. We're affected by the recent economic downturn as well, with the threat of retrenchment and pay cuts looming and increased responsibilities. In times like these, it is hard to find a way to effectively cheer her up with her work being so "upsetting". I hope that something good comes along and will brighten our days ahead.

We've had lots of outings too, mainly trying to get drunk with friends, and failed. Heh. We're looking for more ways to enjoy ourselves and forget about life's worries.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year Resolutions & Wishes

1. Save many many money
2. Be strong and bully people instead of being bullied
3. Spend more time with family and friends
4. Get rid of the "F" word
5. Be more patient

1. Everyone in the family healthy and happy
2. Da da loves me more more
3. Go travel